Wednesday 23 February 2011

Week without walls day 1

So on the very first day.

I only had 4 hours of sleep :0 and already you can feel the baggage underneath your eyes like its killing you :'( Most of us living in the east of surabaya had to get up at 3 in the morning (UUUGH). and get to the air port before 5 in the morning. For us living here at the east. Its a 1 hour trip to the airport and it was one filled with drowsiness =="

When boarding the plane, it was hard to actually try to sleep with the uncomfortable sitting positions, and the constant shaking of the plane. It was one full day of baggy eyes. =="

After landing (safely thank GOD) we had to wait for the other classes to land since they were boarding a different plane at a different time. While then, we got to order stuff and finally eat FOOD :DDD. It was awesome to just sit there and talk and goof around with friends.

The first stop (of the "beaaaautiful" learning experience) was at the Garuda maintenance center (oh joy.). There we got to observe how they fix planes, their system of doing things and how long it takes to fix just one plane :0.

Next we visited aero food. Where we got to see how it is that people prepare food for many international airlines.
Oh and did i forget to mention?
We had to wear this supppeeeer weeeeiiiird outfit so that our "hair" won't get into the food.
Apparently people there think we are all hairy so we had to wear penguin suits.
Actually no.
They just get fined 2 million IDR for every strand found in their food=A=
Is that crazy or what!? I think its ridiculous. I cut off my hair all the time and i never see it sell for 2 million IDRs =A=.

The tour at aero food was interesting, we got to see so much FOOD! If I were an ant, id be in heaven (lol). They had this gigantiiiiic freezer room and it was FREEZING there :SSSSS. We had to huddle up into a circle like real penguins (ROFL) to get warm. XD

After lunching and all of that, we went to garuda training center (GTC). Where we got to see how the staff on a plane are trained. especially pilots. They had replica's of airplanes and they trained how to serve the people boarding the plane. Also, the cool part was that they had simulation for evacuation of an airplane in water :D. It was really cool. There was this gigantic pool and they could make the effects of lightning and rain (using sprinklers) and they also had rafts and other equipment to learn/practice with. The pilot simulation was also interesting. A friend attempted to drive it but crashed it in the end hahahaha.

Is it just me or are all of the places we visited have to do with air planes :o????

After the trips and visits, we left for Bandung (3 HOUR RIIIDE! @@) Some of us didn't get a wink of sleep but ended up goofing off hahahaha.

We got dinner at this place (i forgot where) late at night (boy we're getting fat...) and left to check into the hotel. Its amusing that we want to still hang out with the others and end up sleeping at 12 + XD

Wednesday 16 February 2011

So what's this all about?

So my school, had this field trip out of the city for 3 days to Jakarta and Bandung. To make things short, it was a three day trip filled with learning, learning, and more learning.

OH JOY *sarcasm*

To summarize things to 3 days, it was a fairly fun experience we got to enjoy the moment with a bunch of friends, laugh, socialize and grow closer. Of course, students don't really like the idea of learning for 3 days for almost 24hours. hahaha. So the learning part wasn't the bright side to most of us.

So what's the bright side?
-we got to learn things
-we got to SEE new things
-we've grown closer as friends
-we got to experience new things
-and we enjoyed the laughs and smiles of the entire 3 days.

So this blog will roughly be about the 3 days we have experienced at Jakarta-Bandung and the great and maybe not so great things we had get to remember about and laugh about.