Wednesday 30 March 2011

FAVORITE: MOVIES: Gnomeo and Juliet

The adorable gnomes are there in your lawn

Are you a sucker for romance? Are you obsessed with Romeo and Juliet? Then try watching a very cute and funny twist of Romeo and Juliet in your lawn! Gnomeo & Juliet!!!

Of course the story has to take place somewhere right?

You see that lawn? with lots of green? see how it's divided like that?

The blue side of the lawn you see are the Montague's and that Red side to your right are the Capulets. And as you all know. It's divided. Right there in the middle.

The capulet and montague gnomes have this kind of "firey passion" for one another. And its that ridiculous feud that has been running for years or maybe generations maybe!? And yes Romeo and Juliet Are the star crossed lovers that are can't be together because of their family "names".

Awwww...aint that cute??? :3

So Gnomeo meets Juliet during her hunt/mission for that lovely flower you see in that picture, and being the curious man Gnomeo is, he follows the girl to the green house across the street. And that's how he meets his one true only "lover".

This movie is filled with alot of cute and adorable twists. Racing with lawn mowers, the adorable clink of ceramics when the gnomes blink their eyes. And all of the other cute garden decorations that hop about across the lawn.
So don't worry in the end they don't die. That's the good part. The bad part is this movie is way to cute to be SHORT X((( *sniff*

So if your interested in this, go buy the movie :D And watch gnomes come to life :DDD

Twitter product chief now Dorsey, Williams steps down

This article does not belong to me in any way:

IT was obtained respectfully at:

Copyright to the respectful writers of the article.

My Comments are in PURPLE :D

G News Service - The game of musical chairs (weeeee) continues at Twitter, where co-founder and former CEO Evan Williams will step down as product development leader (WHAT!? WHY!?), a role that will be taken over by Jack Dorsey, another co-founder who had distanced himself from the company's daily operations. (Oh yeah...he rocks too)

The move comes about six months after Williams relinquished his CEO role to Dick Costolo to focus on product development, the area that Williams said at the time is the one he was most interested in.

"Twitter is pleased to announce that Jack Dorsey has agreed to return to Twitter in an everyday role to lead our product development," said Twitter spokeswoman Carolyn Penner via e-mail.

Dorsey will also continue as CEO of Square, an e-payment company he founded after stepping away from Twitter.

I suppose that's good?

Penner noted that Twitter's three co-founders -- Williams, Dorsey and Biz Stone -- have "unselfishly" worn different hats since the company's launch in 2006, based on Twitter's changing needs.

"As executive chairman [of product development], Jack will dive in to work with more than 450 people, led by an experienced executive team. The timing is fortuitous; not only is Twitter experiencing record growth, but we also now have a new infrastructure that will keep us ahead of that growth and enable us to launch products that will make Twitter more instant, simple and always present," Penner added, referring to a massive infrastructure upgrade and migration Twitter wrapped up last week.

That new infrastructure is expected to cut down on Twitter's site outages, slowdowns and bugs, while providing a sturdier and more flexible platform to develop new features and scale capacity more quickly.

Dorsey also posted a message on his Twitter account, saying he was "thrilled" with his return to the company as product development chief. (oh yeah..this must be good news XDD)

Williams, who will remain on Twitter's board, is developing an idea for a new startup company, and for that reason has been spending less time at Twitter lately, according to anonymous sources quoted by The New York Times.

Now that it may have put its notoriously spotty uptime and availability problems behind it, Twitter faces the challenge of generating advertising revenue that is proportional to its skyrocketing popularity. Twitter launched its Promoted Tweets advertising program about a year ago.

Ultimately it doesn't much matter which co-founder is in charge of product development as long as the company makes this advertising program work successfully, said IDC analyst Al Hilwa.

"Figuring who best does what is part of what it means to grow and mature. Twitter has been on an incredible trajectory in the last couple of years and its key challenge is finding monetization streams to pay for the immense infrastructure needed to keep up with the escalating volume of tweets," Hilwa said via e-mail. (YESH. Twitter = AWESOME *thumbs up*)

Twitter is also going through a tough time with many of the third-party developers who have created applications for the microblogging service. After having a laissez-faire attitude for years, Twitter in the past year has become much more active in policing third-party applications to make sure they comply with its terms of service. Twitter has also become a competitor to some of these developers by building native features that were previously provided by external applications. (and I will say it again, twitter rocks :D)

The so called "Jackie chan Death"

Comments are in PINK!

Is it just me or am i starting to get reeeaaaaly and i mean REAAAALLLY SICK of all these false alarms of aritsts dying because of this and that and this and that and blah blah bleh bluh blah...

What is wrong with you people srsly?! and who the heck is writing this stuff anyway. Sure sure, now that you think about it, who the heck writes all of this nonsense of baloney. Its crap. Literally. I mean sure it could be a joke. BUT GET A LIFE. No one wants false death splewing (not even a word) But its really "mature" of ya to do so. next time go say its the end of the world already. like anyone would believe ya. *feh*

So the latest Artist "DEATHS" ever announced was the one of Jackie chan's (now that's something you won't hear every day **ppffft**

The following article does not belong to me (the comments in pink are haha )
Article was respectfully obtained from :

Jackie Chan Death, Dies or die and died. A hospital in Los Angeles (wow i'd like to go there :o) reported that Jackie Chan has died *GAAASP (yeah right)*. Legendary Hong Kong actor who appeared in over 100 films died last night after a heart attack. He was promoting his latest film, 'Kung Fu Panda 2'(how about kungfu panda 6?). Doctors say that his busy schedule was causing extreme stress and putting too much pressure on your heart(unreal....). Chan had planned to travel to Hong Kong today to begin shooting in his next film '1911 '. (and i'd like to watch 2012 :DDD)

The family of actors has not issued a statement regarding the passing of a truly remarkable actor who died at the age of 56 (wow that's older than my dad...:o) . Facebook fans invaded after the confirmation of his death came through a source close to Chan. (who wouldn't? I would...)
A couple of celebrities have also published their personal tributes through face book. Will Smith, "an extraordinary actor, who missed forever and always in our hearts. Jackie RIP. x " (if it's all a misunderstanding...sure yeah why not?)

Even the United States President Barack Obama set a personal tribute to the martial artist saying: "Jackie Chan is a man who can talk through the talent, is a constant reminder of the power of humanity. He will always be in our hearts a true inspiration that inspired many generations. First, Nate Dogg, then it is Jackie Chan. " (I'm not sure if the president really did say that for real. But nice speech anyways :DD)

Oooh the humor. I remember seeing the broadcast that came right after I got a link to that article HAHA! It was hilarious. But let's just see the truth with this one article i got from :

MANILA, Philippines - Twitter users across the globe were abuzz over rumors that Hong Kong-based action star Jackie Chan recently died of a heart attack. (*Gasp again*)

"RIP Jackie Chan" made it to Twitter's top trending topics worldwide, placing fifth at 11:25 a.m. on Wednesday. (Course it would...he's famous)

The official social networking accounts of the Hong Kong-based action superstar, however, quickly denied this, saying that Chan is "alive and well." (THAT's WHAT I THOUGHT)

"Jackie is alive and well. He did not suffer a heart attack and die, as was reported on many social networking sites and in online news reports," his verified Facebook and Twitter accounts read. (See the scandal my friend?)

"Jackie is fine and is busy preparing for the filming of his next movie." (yaaaaaaaaay)

Fans and supporters of the Asian superstar expressed happiness and relief that Chan's death rumor is a hoax. (yep yep, remember that other artist who was rumored "DEAD" too?)

"RIP Jackie Chan is not true! Jackie Chan is still alive and he will make a new movie yoyoyo!," one of them said. (A movie about this scandal could be suggested. Make the title yay yay yay instead :DD *thumbs up*)

Another said, "Oh, thank God. We don't need more dead Asians." (what about the Americans ?*raises eye brows*

"Jackie Chan did not die. RIP means: Really Inspiring #Person," one Twitter user said. (PPPPFFFT suuure "everyone" knows that (*coughYeahright*cough )

Others, meanwhile, slammed others for spreading the false information. (how about a punch? :D)

"Whoever said 'RIP Jackie Chan' needs to get a life. It's not cool or funny to say people are dead," one said. (AGREEEEEEED)

This Twitter user quipped, "Whoever started the RIP Jackie Chan needs to get slapped!" (kungfu punch is much better :D)

Chan is among the many celebrities who have been victims of online death hoaxes, the latest being American actor Charlie Sheen of Two and a Half Men. (which i was referring to the other "dead" artists)

The Asian superstar earlier drew flak from some of his compatriots over his initial tweets about the August 23 hostage drama at the Quirino Grandstand in the Philippines on August 2010, which involved tourists from Hong Kong.

In the said tweets, Chan asked the people of Hong Kong not to direct their anger at the Philippine government or to Filipinos who live in their country.

Several days later, he apologized for "causing misunderstanding or discontent," saying that he is not in the position to say who should be held liable for the tragedy. (kinda can't comment...i'm rather lost hahaha)

SO you see the irony of people right there...HAHAHHAA Next time people who are using blackberry. When you get more broadcasts, don't take it seriously unless the newspapers and tv's have got the news in them. Our moral is : be careful with what you believe XDDD

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Google,Yahoo,Skype targeted in attack linked to Iran

This article does not belong to me in any way. It was obtained fairly at


Copyrights to the respectful owners and writers. And i repeat this article DOES NOT belong to me.

A malicious attacker that appears to be the Iranian government managed to obtain supposedly secure digital certificates that can be used to impersonate Google, Yahoo, Skype, and other major Web sites, the security company affected by the breach said today.

Comodo, a Jersey City, N.J.-based firm that issues digital certificates, said the nine certificates were fraudulently obtained, including one for Microsoft's, have already been revoked. A fraudulent certificate allows someone to impersonate the secure versions of those Web sites--the ones that are used when encrypted connections are enabled--in some circumstances.

The Internet Protocol addresses used in the attack are in Tehran, Iran, said Comodo, which believes that because of the focus and speed of the attack, it was "state-driven." Spoofing those Web sites would allow the Iranian government to use what's known as a man-in-the-middle attack to impersonate the legitimate sites and grab passwords, read e-mail messages, and monitor any other activities its citizens performed, even if the connections were protected with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.

The attacker tested the certificate for "," but because it had been revoked, most browsers attempting to communicate with the site would see that it was not a trusted site, Comodo Chief Executive Melih Abdulhayoglu told CNET.

The spoofing would only work if the unknown perpetrators also operated the network, allowing them to use the Internet's domain name system to redirect innocent users to a fake site. That wouldn't be a problem for a national government like Iran, which controls the telecommunications infrastructure, but means that the impact of such a security breach is limited.

All the affected domain names "have to do with communications--they are not financially motivated at all," Abdulhayoglu said. "They must have done some surveillance and they knew exactly how to get in (to the Comodo partner system). This was a fairly well planned and executed attack." He refused to name the southern European partner whose systems were compromised, and said the Iranian server is now offline.

The Iranian IP address was linked to the compromise of the European registration authority affiliated with Comodo on March 15, according to another Comodo blog post written by Vice President Philip Hallam-Baker. Several IP addresses were used, but mainly IP addresses were from Iran, a separate incident report says.

If Comodo is right about the attack originating from Iran's government, it wouldn't be the first government to have done something like this. Late last year, the Tunisian government undertook an ambitious scheme to steal an entire country's worth of Gmail, Yahoo, and Facebook passwords. It used malicious JavaScript code to siphon off unencrypted log-in credentials, which allowed government to infiltrate or delete protest-related discussions.

"It does not escape notice that the domains targeted would be of greatest use to a government attempting surveillance of Internet use by dissident groups," Hallam-Baker wrote. "The attack comes at a time when many countries in North Africa and the Gulf region are facing popular protests and many commentators have identified the Internet and in particular social-networking sites as a major organizing tool for the protests."

Many major browser makers already have revoked the fraudulent SSL certificates. Mozilla said last night that "we have updated Firefox 4.0, 3.6, and 3.5 to recognize these certificates and block them automatically." Google Chrome has been updated, and Microsoft said in a security advisory that it was

contacted by Comodo on March 16 and "an update is available for all supported versions of Windows to help address this issue."

"This issue affects any application or service utilizing SSL certificates that attempts to access one of the Web sites with fraudulent keys. We decided to take a holistic approach to protecting users," Bruce Cowper, group manager for Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft, said in an e-mail. "We built a mitigation into Microsoft Windows so that any application or version of Internet Explorer could leverage it for protection."

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Opera does not need a specific patch for the problem, a spokesman said, adding that the company is considering blacklisting the nine fraudulent certificates, nevertheless. "Because the potential attacker would not be able to get a valid OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) response with these certificates, Opera users will get immediate visual feedback," he said in an e-mail. "When we do not get a valid OCSP response, we will change the security level of the page. The security pad lock will disappear and the user will know that the site is no longer secure. We may be the only browser that handles invalid OCSP responses in this way."

Jacob Appelbaum, a Tor Project programmer, wrote in a blog post yesterday that this snafu shows that the Internet's trust mechanism, that was erected upon the idea of using signed digital certificates, is broken.

"This should serve as a wake-up call to the Internet," he said. "We need to research, build, and share new methods for ensuring trust, identity, authenticity, and confidentiality."

Friday 11 March 2011

Pictures (week without walls day 1)

Week without walls day 3

So this was the very last day of the trip :( *siiiiigh* and just when I was getting used to it too :( *tears* Hahaha. I can't really remember what we have done on this day but i guess its okay the memories are what count the most :DD

That morning, it turned out that sleep got the better of us and we ended up oversleeping. (ugh) :s.
I remember setting up my alarm clock and turning it off. But i suppose i went to sleep again HAHA (SNOOOORE)
And just when i finally woke up and looked at the window, i thought : "ooooo Its bright-"


"O ME GOOOSH MITZY! (my roomate) WE OVERSLEPT!!!!" Immediately i jumped out of bed and got my things packed up in my luggage. haha.

Breakfast came soon after, but ive it just me or is the menu exactly the same as yesterday????

So I shoveled up the same breakfast as yesterday. Eggs and toast. (Oh joy)

After that we went to this bakery store to buy things for our parents and for the folks at home. I didn't know what to buy so I randomly picked up something and paid. AHAHAHA

Next thing we know, we went to this place where i saw the traditional performances I hear so often about from my parent's and other folks in Indonesia. It was really colorful and I enjoyed shaking that anglklung HAHAHA, XD

Right after that, the bus rode all the way back to Jakarta and we boarded the plane back to Surabaya.


p.s. My head ached coz of air pressure :SSSSS (i am never going to ride a plane again *maybe*)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Bio data

Name:Jessica Natalie Wijaya
Kelas/Nomor Absen:10PIB1/7
School:SMA Cita Hati
Hobby:Drawing, dancing, piano and reading
Future ambitions:Not decided
Motto:If you can't smile for today, then smile for tomorrow :)

Week without walls day 2

Sleeping for the first night was "pleasant" to say the least. With late night sleeping, lack of sleep the previous day and now, only 6 hours of sleep. The morning was definitely...


Everyone received a very "beautiful" morning call telling them that it was time to wake up and the only thing that i could register out of my mouth were:

But Sleep won't last forever so about 10 minutes after the morning call, I finally decided to get up. And resume the "BEAAAAUUUTIFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCE (after breakfast)"

Breakfast was nice, we got a wide range of things to choose from. I chose the basic toast, eggs and orange juice to start my day. So that's how we started breakfast; A sleep feast of lazy chewing and sneezing (for me anyways)

So our first stop of the day was at this neat museum called KAA (have no idea what it stands for...HAHA!) and just one step inside my eyes went sparkly! *cling cling* all of the marble made it look so cool and it was reaaaal neat :DDDD. So there we first sat at this place, and we had to like sit at this huge place and listen to a lil bit of history. (cue in snore) haha. Right after that we got some chances to take some video clips for our school work (==" school won't give us a break do they?) and I enjoyed my time snapping a few shots of my group mates :DDD.

What happened next?? I'll tell you what happened next, we then went to shopping stores. YEAAAAA SHOPPIIIING, we did a little interviewing with shopkeepers and Got awesome vouchers (DISCOUUUUNT!) It was difficult to pick something out of everything. But in the end I got something, may not be my favorite but its alright :)

And once more we board the bus to our next stop the Geology museum -a-jigamathing. XD.
SO there we first started this stop with a movie about....something about time and earth. HAHA. I can't really remember though, it was quite vague. So afterward, we got some interviews, walked around and pointed at bones and stones haha.
Some of us a had dellusional thoughts of ghosts on the elevator. It was quite funny haha. Especially when it clearly was an elevator for injured/less capable people. :p

Then We went to the mall this time and we got to walk around there and enjoy a little freedom hahaha. After that we got to enjoy eating and Hit the sack into DREAM LAAAAAND