Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Week without walls day 2

Sleeping for the first night was "pleasant" to say the least. With late night sleeping, lack of sleep the previous day and now, only 6 hours of sleep. The morning was definitely...


Everyone received a very "beautiful" morning call telling them that it was time to wake up and the only thing that i could register out of my mouth were:

But Sleep won't last forever so about 10 minutes after the morning call, I finally decided to get up. And resume the "BEAAAAUUUTIFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCE (after breakfast)"

Breakfast was nice, we got a wide range of things to choose from. I chose the basic toast, eggs and orange juice to start my day. So that's how we started breakfast; A sleep feast of lazy chewing and sneezing (for me anyways)

So our first stop of the day was at this neat museum called KAA (have no idea what it stands for...HAHA!) and just one step inside my eyes went sparkly! *cling cling* all of the marble made it look so cool and it was reaaaal neat :DDDD. So there we first sat at this place, and we had to like sit at this huge place and listen to a lil bit of history. (cue in snore) haha. Right after that we got some chances to take some video clips for our school work (==" school won't give us a break do they?) and I enjoyed my time snapping a few shots of my group mates :DDD.

What happened next?? I'll tell you what happened next, we then went to shopping stores. YEAAAAA SHOPPIIIING, we did a little interviewing with shopkeepers and Got awesome vouchers (DISCOUUUUNT!) It was difficult to pick something out of everything. But in the end I got something, may not be my favorite but its alright :)

And once more we board the bus to our next stop the Geology museum -a-jigamathing. XD.
SO there we first started this stop with a movie about....something about time and earth. HAHA. I can't really remember though, it was quite vague. So afterward, we got some interviews, walked around and pointed at bones and stones haha.
Some of us a had dellusional thoughts of ghosts on the elevator. It was quite funny haha. Especially when it clearly was an elevator for injured/less capable people. :p

Then We went to the mall this time and we got to walk around there and enjoy a little freedom hahaha. After that we got to enjoy eating and Hit the sack into DREAM LAAAAAND

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