Wednesday 30 March 2011

The so called "Jackie chan Death"

Comments are in PINK!

Is it just me or am i starting to get reeeaaaaly and i mean REAAAALLLY SICK of all these false alarms of aritsts dying because of this and that and this and that and blah blah bleh bluh blah...

What is wrong with you people srsly?! and who the heck is writing this stuff anyway. Sure sure, now that you think about it, who the heck writes all of this nonsense of baloney. Its crap. Literally. I mean sure it could be a joke. BUT GET A LIFE. No one wants false death splewing (not even a word) But its really "mature" of ya to do so. next time go say its the end of the world already. like anyone would believe ya. *feh*

So the latest Artist "DEATHS" ever announced was the one of Jackie chan's (now that's something you won't hear every day **ppffft**

The following article does not belong to me (the comments in pink are haha )
Article was respectfully obtained from :

Jackie Chan Death, Dies or die and died. A hospital in Los Angeles (wow i'd like to go there :o) reported that Jackie Chan has died *GAAASP (yeah right)*. Legendary Hong Kong actor who appeared in over 100 films died last night after a heart attack. He was promoting his latest film, 'Kung Fu Panda 2'(how about kungfu panda 6?). Doctors say that his busy schedule was causing extreme stress and putting too much pressure on your heart(unreal....). Chan had planned to travel to Hong Kong today to begin shooting in his next film '1911 '. (and i'd like to watch 2012 :DDD)

The family of actors has not issued a statement regarding the passing of a truly remarkable actor who died at the age of 56 (wow that's older than my dad...:o) . Facebook fans invaded after the confirmation of his death came through a source close to Chan. (who wouldn't? I would...)
A couple of celebrities have also published their personal tributes through face book. Will Smith, "an extraordinary actor, who missed forever and always in our hearts. Jackie RIP. x " (if it's all a misunderstanding...sure yeah why not?)

Even the United States President Barack Obama set a personal tribute to the martial artist saying: "Jackie Chan is a man who can talk through the talent, is a constant reminder of the power of humanity. He will always be in our hearts a true inspiration that inspired many generations. First, Nate Dogg, then it is Jackie Chan. " (I'm not sure if the president really did say that for real. But nice speech anyways :DD)

Oooh the humor. I remember seeing the broadcast that came right after I got a link to that article HAHA! It was hilarious. But let's just see the truth with this one article i got from :

MANILA, Philippines - Twitter users across the globe were abuzz over rumors that Hong Kong-based action star Jackie Chan recently died of a heart attack. (*Gasp again*)

"RIP Jackie Chan" made it to Twitter's top trending topics worldwide, placing fifth at 11:25 a.m. on Wednesday. (Course it would...he's famous)

The official social networking accounts of the Hong Kong-based action superstar, however, quickly denied this, saying that Chan is "alive and well." (THAT's WHAT I THOUGHT)

"Jackie is alive and well. He did not suffer a heart attack and die, as was reported on many social networking sites and in online news reports," his verified Facebook and Twitter accounts read. (See the scandal my friend?)

"Jackie is fine and is busy preparing for the filming of his next movie." (yaaaaaaaaay)

Fans and supporters of the Asian superstar expressed happiness and relief that Chan's death rumor is a hoax. (yep yep, remember that other artist who was rumored "DEAD" too?)

"RIP Jackie Chan is not true! Jackie Chan is still alive and he will make a new movie yoyoyo!," one of them said. (A movie about this scandal could be suggested. Make the title yay yay yay instead :DD *thumbs up*)

Another said, "Oh, thank God. We don't need more dead Asians." (what about the Americans ?*raises eye brows*

"Jackie Chan did not die. RIP means: Really Inspiring #Person," one Twitter user said. (PPPPFFFT suuure "everyone" knows that (*coughYeahright*cough )

Others, meanwhile, slammed others for spreading the false information. (how about a punch? :D)

"Whoever said 'RIP Jackie Chan' needs to get a life. It's not cool or funny to say people are dead," one said. (AGREEEEEEED)

This Twitter user quipped, "Whoever started the RIP Jackie Chan needs to get slapped!" (kungfu punch is much better :D)

Chan is among the many celebrities who have been victims of online death hoaxes, the latest being American actor Charlie Sheen of Two and a Half Men. (which i was referring to the other "dead" artists)

The Asian superstar earlier drew flak from some of his compatriots over his initial tweets about the August 23 hostage drama at the Quirino Grandstand in the Philippines on August 2010, which involved tourists from Hong Kong.

In the said tweets, Chan asked the people of Hong Kong not to direct their anger at the Philippine government or to Filipinos who live in their country.

Several days later, he apologized for "causing misunderstanding or discontent," saying that he is not in the position to say who should be held liable for the tragedy. (kinda can't comment...i'm rather lost hahaha)

SO you see the irony of people right there...HAHAHHAA Next time people who are using blackberry. When you get more broadcasts, don't take it seriously unless the newspapers and tv's have got the news in them. Our moral is : be careful with what you believe XDDD

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